Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 24, 2012 15:39:21 GMT 8
Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 28, 2012 17:16:36 GMT 8
1313 2801 3 size (degree of largeness or smallness) Größe grootte grandezza grandeco grandeso datlánikh 1314 2802 2 huge, enormous, gigantic [aj] riesig, gigantisch kolossaal enorme, gigantesco [aj] grandega, enorma grandisi, enormi 1315 2803 1 big, large (of much size) [aj] groß groot grande [aj] granda grandi dáli-n [aj] 1316 2804 1 small (of little size) [aj] klein klein piccolo [aj] malgranda mikri ní-n [aj] 1317 2805 2 tiny, minuscule [aj] winzig miniem piccolissimo, minuscolo [aj] malgrandega, eta mikrisi {*} 1318 2807 2 expand, grow, become larger [v] sich ausbreiten, wachsen uitzetten crescere [vi] kreski kreska dálishe [vi] 1319 2808 2 shrink, contract, become smaller [v] schrumpfen krimpen diminuire [v], ridursi [v] malkreski deskreska {*} 1320 2810 3 distance (amount of space from X to Y) Entfernung, Ferne afstand distanza distanco, interspaco disto, distantia tusílikh 1321 2811 2 far (at / to a great distance) [aj/av] fern, entfernt ver lontano [aj] fora, dista, malproksima ferni, distanti [aj], fernim [av] tusílin [aj/av] 1322 2812 2 near (at / to a little distance) [aj/av] nahe na vicino [aj] proksima proximi [aj], proximu [av] hatsílin [aj], hats- [pfx] 1323 2814 3 present (existing in the indicated place; contra-absent) [aj] anwesend tegenwoordig bij presente [aj] ĉeestanta presenti hadrárin [aj] 1324 2815 3 absent [aj] abwesend afwezig assente [aj], mancante [aj] forestanta, mankanta absent(i) yaltsálin [aj] (?) 1325 2816 2 place, location Ort, Lage oord luogo, posto loko loke kardénekh 1326 2820 3 length (distance from one end to the other) Länge lengte lunghezza longeco longeso {*}, longitate {*} 1327 2821 2 long (of much length) [aj] lang lang lungo [aj] longa longi ksíbi-n [aj] 1328 2822 2 short (of little length) [aj] kurz kort corto [aj] mallonga kurti ní-n [aj] 1329 2825 3 width (degree of wideness or narrowness) Breite breedte larghezza larĝeco, vasteco larjeso {*}, larjitate {*} qadímikh 1330 2826 2 wide, broad (of space between objects) [aj] breit wijd, breed largo [aj] larĝa, vasta larji qadímin [aj] 1331 2827 2 narrow, of little width (of space between objects) [aj] eng nauw stretto [aj] mallarĝa, malvasta angusti, streti 1332 2830 3 thickness (of a solid object, etc.) Dicke spessore dikeco dikeso {*}, dikitate {*} 1333 2831 2 thick, fat (large from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj] dick dik spesso [aj] dika diki nráifan [aj] 1334 2832 2 thin, slender (small from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj] dünn, schlank dun sottile [aj] maldika tenu(i) si|ízan [aj] 1335 2835 3 height (distance from ground / baseline to top) Höhe hoogte altezza alteco alteso {*}, altitate {*} 1336 2836 2 high, tall (of much height) [aj] hoch, lang hoog alto [aj] alta alti ksíbi-n [aj] 1337 2837 2 low, short (not tall; of little height) [aj] niedrig laag basso [aj] (mainly vertical), corto [aj] (mainly horizontal) malalta basi ní-n [aj] 1338 2840 3 depth (distance from ground / baseline down to bottom) Tiefe diepte profondità profundeco profundeso 1339 2841 2 deep, profound (of much depth) [aj] teif diep profondo [aj] profunda profundi 1340 2842 2 shallow (of little depth) [aj] seicht, flach ondiep basso [aj] malprofunda desprofundi {*} 1341 2845 3 horizontal [aj] waagerecht horizontaal orizzontale [aj] horizontala horisontal 1342 2846 3 vertical [aj] senkrecht verticaal verticale [aj] vertikala vertikal 1343 2847 3 diagonal, slanted [aj] schräg, diagonal diagonaal diagonale [aj] oblikva diagonal(i) 1344 2848 3 sloped, inclined/declined (not horizontal) [aj] schräg, geneigt glooiend inclinato [aj] klina, dekliva inklinanti 1345 2850 3 angle (the relation of two lines radiating from a point) Winkel hoek angolo angulo angule 1346 2851 3 position (location relative to others) Lage ligging, positie posizione pozicio positione 1347 2852 3 region, area (a quantity of space within boundaries) Gegend streek area areo, regiono regione; area (= 'area' in the quantitative sense) fátlanikh 1348 2853 2 space, room Raum ruimte spazio spaco spatie náti-kh 1349 2854 3 connection, joint, junction Verbindung, Verknüpfung verbinding connessione, giuntura ligo, kunligiĝo, konekto, jungo konektione 1350 2855 3 environment, surroundings Umwelt, Umgebung omgeving ambiente ĉirkaŭaĵo, medio 1351 2860 2 front Vorderseite voorzijde fronte, davanti [substantivated av], parte anteriore antaŭo fronte (used for both "forehead" and "fore part" of anything!) guréngikh 1352 2861 2 rear, back part of Rückseite achterkant retro, dietro [substantivated av], parte posteriore malantaŭo reverse dhíkh 1353 2862 2 side, flank, lateral area Seite zijde lato, fianco flanko, latero flanke páslekh 1354 2863 2 middle, center Mitte midden parte centrale, centro mezo, centro sentre daisü'mikh 1355 2864 2 top, peak höchste Punkt, Spitze, Gipfel top cima, punta supro, pinto kulmine, somite sánikh 1356 2865 2 bottom Boden bodem base malsupro funde dhúkh 1357 2866 2 edge Rand, Kante rand bordo rando borde qapáikh 1358 2867 3 inner, internal, interior [aj] innen binnen interno [substantivated aj] interna interni brún [aj] 1359 2868 3 outer, exterior, external [aj] außen buiten esterno [substantivated aj] ekstera extri tsíren [aj] 1360 2869 3 limit, boundary Grenze grens confine, limite limo limite pasqáikh 1361 2870 2 find (discover the location of) [v] finden vinden trovare [vt] trovi trova tsáipa [vt] 1362 2871 2 misplace (lose; become unable to find) [v] verlegen misplaatsen perdere [vt] misloki perda eqái [vt]