Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 28, 2012 17:12:57 GMT 8
1459 3200 2 time (the dimension/continuum of past-present-future) Zeit tijd tempo tempo tempe tlaqólikh 1460 3201 3 the past Vergangenheits verleden passato pasinteco, estinteco, iso yagaishékh 1461 3202 3 the present Gegenwart het heden presente estanteco, nuntempo, nuno presente 1462 3203 3 the future Zukunft toekomst futuro estonteco, oso future hoqókh 1463 3204 2 long ago (in the far past) [av] vor langem molto tempo fa [av], una volta [av] (colloquial) antaŭlonge longim anteu {?} yagaishékh 1464 3205 2 recently (in the near past) [av] vor kurzem onlangs recentemente [av] lastatempe, antaŭnelonge resentim nechontól [av] 1465 3206 1 now (at this time) [av] jetzt nu ora [av] nun, nuntempe nun erú [av] 1466 3207 2 soon (in the near future) [av] bald spoedig presto [av] baldaŭ, postnelonge bald, proxitem nebán [av] 1467 3208 2 eventually (in the far future) [av] im Laufe der Zeit alla fine [av] forestonte, finfine, postlonge longim aftru {?} 1468 3209 3 ex- (as in "ex-president"), former [aj/pfx] 1469 3210 3 -to-be (as in "bride-to-be"), pre- (not yet but will be) [aj/pfx] 1470 3211 3 age (degree of oldness / youngness) Alter leeftijd età aĝo aje hutárikh 1471 3212 2 young (of little age; having existed/lived for a brief time) [aj] jung jong giovane [aj] juna yun(i) láisan [aj] 1472 3213 2 old (of much age; having existed/lived for a long time) [aj] alt oud vecchio [aj] , anziano [aj] (more 'politically correct') maljuna old(i), ansieni thu|ínin [aj] (persons), -thu [sfx], ngúpan [aj] (things), -ngu [sfx] 1473 3214 2 new, novel, recent (having been known for a brief time) [aj] neu nieuw nuovo [aj] nova nov(i) láisan [aj] 1474 3215 2 old (of long standing; having been known for a long time) [aj] alt oud vecchio [aj] malnova old(i), ansieni thu|ínin [aj] (persons), -thu [sfx], ngúpan [aj] (things), -ngu [sfx] 1475 3216 3 permanent, perpetual [aj] dauernd bestendig permanente [aj] konstanta, neŝanĝiĝema, daŭra, ĉiama, senĉesa permananti, perpetual 1476 3217 3 constant, invariant, stable [aj] beständig standvastig, constant costante [aj] konstanta, nevarianta, stabila konstanti 1477 3218 3 temporary, transient [aj] zeitweilig tijdelijk temporaneo [aj] malkonstanta, provizora, portempa efemeri {?} 1478 3219 3 interval (quantity of time between events X and Y) Abstand tussentijd intervallo intervalo, periodo, intertempo intervale 1479 3220 3 irregular, sporadic, intermittent [aj] unregalmässig sporadisch, intermitterend irregolare [aj] (changes unpredictably); sporadico [aj] (irregularly) neregula, foja, sporada, laŭokaza intermitenti, okasional 1480 3221 3 regular (at uniform intervals), periodic [aj] regalmässig regelmatig regolare [aj] (changes predictably); periodico [aj] (happens regularly) regula periodi 1481 3222 3 rhythm Rhythmus ritmus ritmo ritmo ritme 1482 3223 3 cycle (one complete performance of a periodic process) Periode cyclus ciclo ciklo sikle 1483 3224 3 frequency (degree of oftenness or seldomness) Häufigkeit frequentie frequenza ofteco frequenteso {*}, frequentitate {*} 1484 3225 2 frequently, often [av] häufig, oft vaak spesso [av] ofte frequentim {*} anzán [av] 1485 3226 2 seldom, rarely [av] selten zelden raramente [av] malofte rarim {*} 1486 3227 1 time (e.g. "do it 3 times"), occasion, instance, iteration Mal maal, keer volta fojo foye {-foy in adverbs, e. g. trifoy = 3 times} mshékh, -jabí [av sfx] (added to numerals) 1487 3228 1 again, once more, re- [av] noch einmal weder ancora [av], di nuovo [av] ree, refoje, denove altrifoy echú [av] 1488 3229 3 alternate, take turns (do X then Y then X then Y) [v] wechseln afwisselen alternare [vt] alterni [vi] alterna 1489 3230 3 duration (amount of time consumed) Dauer, Zeit duur durata daŭro {would be formed from dura = to last, endure, continue} hlatsánukh 1490 3231 2 long (of much duration) [aj] lange langdurig lungo [aj] longa, longdaŭra longitem thamú|un [aj] 1491 3232 2 short, brief (of little duration) [aj] kurz beknopt, kort corto [aj] mallonga, mallongdaŭra kurtitem {*} yifáin [aj] 1492 3233 3 gradual [aj] stufenweise, allmählich geleidelijk graduale [aj] iompostioma, grada, laŭgrada gradual artón [aj] 1493 3234 3 sudden, abrupt [aj] plötzlich plotseling imrovviso [aj] subita subit(i), abrupti chimákin [aj] 1494 3235 1 begin, commence, start [v] anfangen, beginnen beginnen cominciare [vt/i], inziare [vt/i] komenci [vt], komenciĝi [vi] komensa, starta otún [verbal aspect indicator] 1495 3236 1 continue, keep on doing/being [v] fortfahren zu ... voortzetten continuare [vt/i] daŭrigi [vt], daŭriĝi [vi] kontinua -do [v sfx] (after vowels), -udò [v sfx] (after consonants) 1496 3237 2 pause, hesitate, suspend action temporarily [v] pausieren pauzeren interrompere [vt], sospendere [vt] paŭzi, heziti pausa, hesita 1497 3238 1 end, conclude, finish [v] enden [vi], beended [vt] eindigen finire [vt] fini [vt], finiĝi [vi] fina tané [verbal aspect indicator] 1498 3239 1 cease, stop doing, quit [v] aufhören ophouden smettere [v] ĉesigi [vt], ĉesi [vi] sesa lümé [vi], munchétl [vt] (to stop something), tané [v asp. ind.] 1499 3240 3 period, era, epoch Zeitrechnung, Epoche tijdperk epoca, periodo epoko periode, ere, epoke hlatsánukh 1500 3241 2 moment, an instant Augenblick ogenblik momento, istante momento momente, instante mshékh (?)
1501 3242 1 always (at all times) [av] immer altijd sempre [av] ĉiam, ĉiame sempre qùrujabí-n [av] 1502 3243 2 ever (at any time) [av] jemals ooit quandunque [av] iam irgitem hlòntlaqólin [av] 1503 3244 2 never [av] nie nooit mai [av] neniam nul(i)tem thálün [av] (future+cond), yáthalün (past+fut), yálün (past+pres) 1504 3245 2 already (prior to the time mentioned) [av] schon reeds, al già [av] jam ja, anteu mikchén [av] 1505 3246 2 still, yet (even until the time mentioned) [av] noch, schon nog ancora [av] ankoraŭ ankore kámtla [av] [cj] 1506 3247 3 ancient 1507 3248 3 modern 1508 3250 2 early, premature [aj/av] vorzeitig vroeg presto [av] frua, frue, antaŭmatura frui [aj], fruim[av] (= early), prematuri nechqól [av], nechqólin [aj] 1509 3251 3 timely, prompt, on time [av/aj] zeitig op de juiste tijd in tempo [av] ĝustatempe [av], ĝustatempa [aj] 1510 3252 2 late, tardy [aj/av] spät laat tardi [av] malfrua, malfrue tardi [aj], tardim [av] adélin [aj] 1511 3253 3 delay, retard, tarry [v] verzögern uitstellen ritardare [vt] prokrasti, malrapidigi, malakceli tardisa 1512 3254 2 rush, hurry, hasten [v] eilen, beschleunigen snellen affrettare [vt], affrettarsi [vr] hasti, rapidi hasta jáimu [vi] 1513 3255 2 wait (for), await [v] warten (auf) wachten (op) aspettare [vt] atendi [vt] varta kalékte [vt] 1514 3256 3 speed, velocity (degree of fastness or slowness) Geschwindigkeit snelheid velocità rapideco, velocito rapideso, rapiditate {*} 1515 3257 2 quickly, rapidly, swiftly (with much speed) [av] schnell vlug, snel, gauw velocemente [av] rapide rapidim nebán [av] 1516 3258 2 slowly (with little speed) [av] langsam langzaam lentamente [av] malrapide lentim neyapá [av] 1517 3259 3 series (a number of similar things following one another) Reihe serie, reeks serie, sequenza serio serie 1518 3260 3 sequence, order (temporal arrangement of events in a series) Reihenfolge volgorde ordine, successione sinsekvo, ordo ordine 1519 3261 1 last, final (after all others) [aj] letzte laatste ultimo [aj] fina, lasta lasti parjún [aj] 1520 3262 2 prior, preceding, previous, contra-next [aj] vorhergehend voorafgaand prima [av], precedente [aj]; ultimo [aj] (the last before this one) antaŭa presedant(i) {*} 1521 3263 1 next (coming immediately after; "tomorrow" = the next day) [aj] nächste naast prossimo [aj] posta, sekvanta sekuent(i) gatlí-n [aj] 1522 3264 2 the day before yesterday 1523 3265 2 yesterday [av] Gestern gisteren ieri [av] hieraŭ yer pálin [aj] 1524 3266 2 today [av] Heute vandaag oggi [av] hodiaŭ disdi qámi-n [aj] [av] 1525 3267 2 tomorrow [av] Morgen morgen domani [av] morgaŭ morge zhúlin [aj] [av] 1526 3268 2 the day after tomorrow 1527 3269 3 season Jahreszeit jaargetijde stagione sezono sesone srikátlikh 1528 3270 2 spring (the season) Frühling lente primavera printempo printempe fadiltsúnikh 1529 3271 2 summer Sommer zomer estate somero somre tultsúnikh 1530 3272 2 autumn, fall Herbst herfst autunno aŭtuno autumne chentsúnikh 1531 3273 2 winter Winter winter inverno vintro vintre thantsúnikh 1532 3276 3 century Jahrhundert eeuw secolo jarcento, centjaro sekle, yarsente 1533 3277 3 decade 1534 3278 2 year Jahr jaar anno jaro yare nalü'nikh 1535 3279 2 month Monat maand mese monato monate {1928 version}, mensu {1930 version} gatlérukh 1536 3280 2 week Woche week settimana semajno semani tlohági-kh (six days) 1537 3281 2 day (24-hour period), nycthemeron Tag dag giorno tago, tagnokto die hági-kh 1538 3282 3 date (coordinates of a day given in some timekeeping system) Datum datum data dato datum tháfi-kh (day of month) 1539 3283 1 day (daytime -- as opposed to night), diurnal period Tag dag giorno tago jorne hági-kh (?) 1540 3284 1 night Nacht nacht notte nokto nokte sü'nikh 1541 3285 2 morning (dawn to noon) Morgen morgen mattina mateno, antaŭtagmezo matine shamélikh 1542 3286 2 noon Mittag middag mezzogiorno tagmezo medidie tùpehági-kh 1543 3287 2 afternoon (noon to dusk) Nachmittag namiddag pomeriggio postagmezo eqúnikh 1544 3288 2 evening (dusk to midnight) abend avond sera vespero vespre hiusü'nikh 1545 3289 2 midnight Mitternacht middernacht mezzanotte noktomezo medinokte èshasü'nikh 1546 3290 2 graveyard shift, middle of the night (midnight to dawn) Vormorgen [no equivalent] postnoktomezo {?} 1547 3291 2 hour (60 minutes) Uhr uur ora horo hore 1548 3292 3 minute (60 seconds) Minute minuut minuto minuto minute 1549 3293 3 second (1/60th of a minute) Sekunde seconde secondo sekundo sekunde
1550 3294 3 holiday Feiertag vacantiedag festa festotago feste {?} lahági-kh 1551 3295 3 sabbath (day of week with religious significance) Sabbat sabbat {for a Catholic country the 'religous day' is Sunday: "domenica"} preĝtago, sabato sabate