Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 24, 2012 15:43:16 GMT 8
Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 28, 2012 17:10:38 GMT 8
1554 3300 3 substance Substanz 1555 3301 1 water Wasser water acqua akvo aque húkh 1556 3302 2 ice Eis ijs ghiaccio glacio glasie 1557 3303 2 steam Dampf stoom vapore vaporo stime, vapore túpukh 1558 3305 3 air Luft lucht aria aero aere íssakh 1559 3310 3 fuel Kraftstoff brandstof combustibile brulaĵo 1560 3311 3 ash Asche as cenere cindro vrási-kh 1561 3320 2 metal Metall metaal metallo metalo metale tkasékh 1562 3321 3 brass (copper-zinc alloy) Messing geelkoper ottone latuno latone 1563 3322 3 copper Kupfer koper rame kupro kupre míssikh 1564 3323 2 gold (the precious metal) Gold goud oro oro ore dhu|ónikh 1565 3324 2 silver (the metal) Silber zilver argento arĝento arjente ssímikh 1566 3325 2 iron Eisen ijzer ferro fero fere ahánikh 1567 3326 3 steel Stahl staal acciaio ŝtalo stale fulátikh 1568 3327 3 lead (the metal) Blei lood piombo plumbo plumbe púsikh 1569 3328 3 tin (the metal) Zinn tin stagno stano stane jükáikh 1570 3329 3 aluminum Aluminium 1571 3330 1 dirt, earth (tangible), soil Erde grond terra, suolo grundo krase mítsakh 1572 3331 2 sand Sand zand sabbia sablo sande ngázakh 1573 3332 2 mud Schlamm slijk fango koto mude múngsakh 1574 3333 1 rock, stone Stein steen, rots pietra, roccia ŝtono petre (substance), stone (individual item) míli-kh 1575 3334 3 clay Lehm, Ton klei argilla argilo argile múkh 1576 3335 3 mineral, ore Mineral, Erz mineraal minerale mineralo minerale 1577 3336 3 coal Kohle kool carbone terkarbo karbone 1578 3337 3 chalk Kreide krijt creta kreto krete 1579 3338 2 jewel, gem Edelstein, Juwel juweel gemma (a precious stone); gioiello (a precious artifact) ĵuvelo, gemo juvele düókh 1580 3339 3 jade (the tough green gemstone) Jade jade, nefriet giada jado 1581 3340 3 quartz Quarz kwarts quarzo kvarco quartse 1582 3345 1 wood (the substance) Holz hout legno ligno ligne khéti-kh 1583 3350 2 glass Glas glas vetro vitro vitre su|íkh 1584 3351 3 plastic (synthetic/processed moldable material) Kunststoff plastic plastica plastiko {As the dictionary was composed in 1930, no word was created} 1585 3352 3 rubber Gummi rubber gomma kaŭĉuko kauchuke 1586 3353 3 ink Tinte inkt inchiostro inko inke mikárikh 1587 3354 3 paint Farbe verf vernice farbo 1588 3355 2 paper Papier papier carta papero papere hruchánmekh 1589 3356 3 medicine (substance that makes one healthy) Medizin medicijn medicina medikamento medikamente hngámokh 1590 3357 3 poison, toxin Gift vergif veleno veneno venene hlórukh 1591 3358 3 alcohol Alkohol alcohol alcool, alcol, alcole alkoholo, alkoholaĵo alkokole 1592 3359 3 oil (a combustible fatty liquid that will not mix with water) Öl olie olio oleo olie tsüchínikh (cooking oil), purúkh (perfumed oil) 1593 3360 3 oil (crude oil), petroleum Erdöl petroleum petrolio nafto, kruda petrolo petrolie hlünikh (inflammable oil) 1594 3361 3 fat (oily/greasy material from animal adipose tissue or plant seeds) Fett vet grasso graso grasu(m) lóbi-kh 1595 3362 3 tar (dark viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation) Teer teer pece gudro asfalte {?} óshikh 1596 3363 3 wax Wachs was cera vakso vaxe nülóikh 1597 3364 2 soap Seife zeep sapone sapo sapone vékh 1598 3370 3 element (substance of irreducible simplicity) Element, Grundstoff grondstof elemento elemento elemente 1599 3372 3 oxygen Sauerstoff zuurstof ossigeno oksigeno oxe, oxigene 1600 3374 3 hydrogen Wasserstoff 1601 3376 3 neon Neon neon neon neono 1602 3378 3 nitrogen Stickstoff stikstof azoto nitrogeno nitrogene 1603 3380 3 carbon Kohlenstoff koolstof carbonio karbono karbo 1604 3382 3 potassium Kalium kalium potassio kalio kali(um) 1605 3384 3 mercury (the element) Quecksilber 1606 3386 3 sodium Natrium natrium sodio natrio natrium 1607 3388 3 sulfur Schwefel zwavel zolfo sulfuro sulfre 1608 3395 3 chemical (substance made by or used in chemistry) Chemikalie chemicaliën [plur] sostanza kemiaĵo kemial substantie {?} 1609 3399 2 garbage, trash, rubbish Müll, Abfall afval immondizia rubaĵo, forĵetindaĵoj gágmishikh