Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 24, 2012 15:45:43 GMT 8
Post by shirkamisamyogai on Jul 28, 2012 17:08:45 GMT 8
1650 3500 2 object (concrete tangible thing) Objekt voorwerp oggetto aĵo, objekto objekte chénukh 1651 3501 2 matter, material Stoff, Materie stof, materie materiale materio materie 1652 3502 3 gas Gas gas gas gaso gase 1653 3503 3 liquid Flüssigkeit vloeistof liquido likvaĵo liquidu(m) 1654 3504 3 solid (not a gas or liquid) Körper solido solidaĵo solid(i) [aj] {n is probably "solide," but not given} záklen [aj] 1655 3505 3 vacuum Vakuum vacuum, het luchtledige vuoto vakuo vakuu(m) 1656 3510 2 form, shape Form, Gestalt vorm forma formo forme daqórikh 1657 3511 3 plane (flat surface) Ebene, Fläche vlak piano ebenaĵo, plataĵo planu(m) tayán [aj] 1658 3512 3 line (series of contiguous points) Linie lijn linea linio linie khagóimukh 1659 3513 3 ray Strahl straal raggio radio radie 1660 3514 3 curve Kurve kromme curva kurbo kurve 1661 3515 3 arch Gewölbe boog, gewelf arco arkaĵo arke angsáikh 1662 3516 3 loop, circuit, closed curve Schlinge, Kreislauf kringloop anello maŝo, cirkvito 1663 3517 3 oval, ellipse Oval ovaal, eirond ovale, ellisse ovalo, elipso oval(i) [aj] {n is probably "ovale," but not given}, elipse 1664 3518 2 circle Kreis cirkel cerchio, circolo cirklo sirkle kartu|únikh 1665 3519 3 torus, ring (any 3D object shaped like a ring) Ring ring anello (object with a circular hole); toro (the geometric shape) ringo ringe dasháilikh (finger ring) 1666 3520 3 spiral, whorl Spirale, Wirbel spiraal spirale spiralo, kirlaĵo 1667 3521 3 helix (any corkscrew-shaped object) korkenzieherförmig Ding spiraal(lijn) spirale helico helise 1668 3522 3 coil Rolle bocht, klos spira volvaĵo 1669 3523 3 cylinder Zylinder cilinder cilindro cilindro 1670 3524 3 disk, disc Scheibe, Platte schijf, discus disco disko diske 1671 3525 3 sphere Kugel, Sphäre sfeer sfera sfero sfere yojókh 1672 3526 3 triangle Dreieck driehoek triangolo triangulo bidlánikh 1673 3527 3 wedge Keil wig cuneo kojno kunee 1674 3528 3 cone Kegel, Konus kegel, conus cono konuso kone 1675 3529 3 pyramid Pyramide piramide piramide piramido piramide hárkolelikh 1676 3530 3 cross (perpendicular intersection of linear items) Kreuz kruis incrocio kruco krose 1677 3531 3 rectangle Rechteck rechthoek rettangolo rektangulo rektangule mrissü'hlikh 1678 3532 3 square Quadrat, Viereck vierkant quadrato kvadrato quadrate kumrissü'hlikh 1679 3533 3 cube Würfel kubus cubo kubo kube 1680 3540 3 surface Oberfläche oppervlakte superficie supraĵo, surfaco surfase 1681 3541 3 crack, fissure Spalte, Riss kraak fessura fendo 1682 3542 2 hole Loch gat buco (general), foro (artifact) truo tru(e) tlofékh (through an object), tulúmikh (pit) 1683 3543 3 opening, orifice öffnung opening apertura aperturo aperture 1684 3544 3 bump, protrusion Beule buil escrescenza ŝvelaĵo, tubero (on a living thing) bose {?} 1685 3545 3 dent, nick, indentation Kerbe deuk dente kaveto noche 1686 3546 3 furrow, rut, groove Furche, Rinne voor, groef solco sulko kanele 1687 3547 3 scratch Schramme schram graffio grataĵo grata 1688 3548 3 wrinkle, crease Runzel rimpel, plooi piega falto, sulketo ruge 1689 3549 3 rust Rost roest ruggine rusto ruste 1690 3550 3 stripe Streifen streep striscia strio strie 1691 3551 2 mark (visible traces left behind) Spur merk segno spuro, marko marke shárdakh 1692 3560 3 band, tape, flat strip Band band nastro bendo, strio ribande, bende 1693 3561 3 block (solid flat-surfaced mass of material) Block, Klotz blok blocco bloko bloke {?} 1694 3562 3 card (stiff rectangle of material) Karte kaart scheda karto karte 1695 3563 3 crystal Kristall kristal cristallo kristalo kristale 1696 3564 3 drop (of liquid) Tropfen druppel goccia guto gute 1697 3565 3 film (very thin layer) Schicht, Häutchen vlies pellicola tavolo filme 1698 3566 3 layer Lage, Schicht laag strato tavolo strate 1699 3567 3 sheet (thin rectangle of paper/cloth/etc.) Laken laken foglio lameno, folio lame (metal) 1700 3568 2 lump, clod, blob, piece of no particular shape Klumpen bonk pezzo; coso (very colloquial!) bulo lumpe 1701 3569 2 pile, heap Haufen hoop pila amaso amase 1702 3570 3 tapered (becoming narrower toward an end) [aj] spitz zulaufen [v] tapsheid rastremato malvastiĝo, mallarĝiĝaĵo 1703 3571 3 flared (opening up or spreading out from axis) [aj] glockenförmig Ding, Bausch klokken, uitstaan svasato [aj] larĝiĝaĵo 1704 3572 3 swelling, inflation Schwellung gezwel rigonfiamento ŝvelaĵo inflatione lojúngikh 1705 3573 3 branch (small part going out from main part) Zweig tak ramo, braccio branĉo branche shawátsikh (tree branch) 1706 3574 3 spike, barb Stachel, Spitze weerhaak, stekel spina pikilo, dorno spike nikhélikh 1707 3580 3 foam, froth Schaum schuim schiuma ŝaŭmo skume 1708 3581 3 jelly (gelatinous semi-solid material), gel Gallerte gelei gelatina gelateno, ĝelo jeli 1709 3582 2 paste (any thick soft dough-like material) Brei, Teig deeg, stijfsel pasta pasto, kremaĵo paste 1710 3583 2 juice (fluid extracted from something) Saft sap succo suko suke 1711 3584 3 shower, sprinkle Schauer, Dusche douche, bui doccia duŝo, pluveto {prob. derived from arosa = sprinkle [v]} bá|nekh 1712 3585 2 wave Welle golf onda ondo onde suhérikh 1713 3586 2 smoke Rauch rook fumo fumo fume wárbukh
1714 3587 3 vapor, mist Dunst, Dampf damp, nevel, mist vapore vaporo, nebulaĵo vapore hazhü'rikh (fog) 1715 3588 2 dust Staub stof polvere polvo polve shífakh 1716 3589 2 powder Pulver poeder polvere pulvoro pulvre biyúrikh